‘In Search of Ghosts’
Fringe Arts Bath 2025
Exhibition dates: 23.05.25 - 07.06.25
For full Details about Fringe Arts Bath 2025 visit: https://www.fringeartsbath.co.uk
‘In Search of Ghosts’ is an interdisciplinary exhibition pioneering relationships between art and archaeology. Interested in the ways that ideas of the present have come from past contexts, it journeys immense tracts of time in consideration of how people have lived differently through history. Against the backdrop of Aquae Sulis, A UNESCO World Heritage site and the world of archaeology beyond, this exhibition goes ‘In Search of Ghosts’ to excavate material culture and ancient practices in an encounter with a great lineage of inhabitants who occupy/ied ancient spaces.
The theme of this exhibition is interpreted through the lens of contemporary art ‘with’ archaeology to examine ancient rituals, artefacts, and ways of living, vernacular architecture and dwellings, historic approaches to growing and cooking food, and even the future archaeology of waste. Simultaneously it considers how our own Plastic Age might be decoded in 5,000 years and speculates how ancient practices could propose a model for a sustainable future. Through diverse perspectives and backgrounds a truly interdisciplinary cohort of participants across art, design, archaeology, anthropology, geography, speculative fiction, heritage and history come together in this exhibition to exhume the ancient.
Submission deadline: Friday 11th April 2025 at 23h59 GMT
Media accepted: All forms of creative practice relating to archaeology, including perspectives and backgrounds across art, design, archaeology, anthropology, sociology, geography, speculative fiction, heritage and history.
Free submission. All are welcome to apply, of any age, status, and from anywhere in the world.
If selected, we ask Artists for a £22 contribution (like crowdfunding) and/or to give some of their time, as we are all volunteers. Please read our FAQs here to find out more.
See all 20 projects open to submissions on our home page: fringeartsbath.co.uk
To submit your work: please email the Curator ghosts@fringeartsbath.co.uk including:
NB: please include the exhibition / project name in the email title.
max 200 words about your work and how it fits the call-out (written, audio file, video or another way to suit you).
some images of the work, or links to video / performance work (or existing work if it hasn’t been made yet).
any relevant links, if you have them (though it’s not a requirement and Curators might not have the capacity to visit them all).
of course please include any questions you have.
you might not hear back from Curators until after the deadline, thank you for your patience.
Fringe Arts Bath Festival will take place 23 May to 7 June 2025​​